and we have days left!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Well I guess we've gotten our version of senioritis with our trip here when it comes to this blog. We now have less than a month left, and we haven't posted in about a month either :/ Oops!

Here's a quick update:

Kyle W and I went to the hometown of one of our friends who recently graduated as a doctor and Kyle got to help her with a medical campaign. We went to Canta, a small mountain town, and eventually to Lachaqui, a smaller town outside of Canta, and it was beautiful! I have lots of photos on my facebook if you're interested.

Panoramic view from Lachaqui

Kyle in Canta

Kyle G has been surfing his face off the past few weeks trying to fit as much in as possible before we leave and has almost died a couple of times... no worries...

The four of us flew to Puno with our friend Peck to visit Lake Titicaca and it was AWESOME!!!! but short. I wanna go back. We slept on a boat the first night, Kyle G got sick and had to go get an IV and eventually head home early, we visited some man-made floating islands made out of reeds, saw some traditional dances that were strange and sometimes a little inappropriate, ate some great food, and bought a TON of presents for family and friends :)

Kyle, Jenny and I on one of the floating islands

We had a missionary women's retreat a couple of weekends ago that was headed up by Stacy Yoakum and was AWESOME as well :) She did a great job. We spent the weekend resting and reconnecting with God through worship, prayer and study. It was a very refreshing and rejuvenating time for me and I think for everyone else that went as well.

The group :) We're silly

Currently the Aggies For Christ: South America (AFCSA) group is here for 3 weeks and we've been having a blast working with them, showing them the city, and just getting to hang out with friends we haven't seen in a while. Our mentor Traci got to come with them too, so we've also been enjoying spending time with her and having deeper conversations about our time here. They will be here until June 11th, when they head to Brazil. While they've been here, we've worked on a few service projects, seen a little of the city, shopped for souvenirs, and passed out fliers for and participated in La Gran Fiesta! This was a party that the church put on to celebrate a season of outreach in the church. There were over 100 people there!! Which is huge for us :)

Before cleaning up at a school in Villa Maria
Currently we are in Arequipa for the annual Peruvian Missions Summit (yes, that makes PMS and it is a constant source of laughs). The mission teams from Lima, Arequipa and Cusco get together once a year to catch up and have a time of encouragement. The AFC team and interns all took a 15 hour bus ride last night and we arrived this morning and have been resting and playing with the alpacas that live here :)

Until next time!

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